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Halloween in college is a blast!

It’s the first holiday of the semester and everyone stays on campus—unlike Thanksgiving where half of the college population disappears for a weekend. Halloween is an excuse to eat a bunch of candy, bake the best goodies, and not do your homework. Here’s a list of five ways to celebrate Halloween this semester.

Decorate Your Door
Decorating your apartment makes it feel a little bit more like home and it helps bring the season to life. But, let’s be honest. You’re a college student. You can’t afford decorations and you won’t have a place to store them once the holiday is over. A perfect compromise to this problem is to decorate your door. Some apartment complexes even have competitions for which of the doors is decorated best. Simply measure some butcher paper so it fits the dimensions of your front door and go to town with some paint, markers, or crayons to make it a spooky gateway into your apartment. The best door I ever saw had white butcher paper that said, “What would you do for a Klondike bar?” in red, bloody-looking paint.
Pumpkin bread, Pillsbury Halloween sugar cookies, Oreo truffles… the Halloween holiday is time for some of the best treats. As you prepare for Halloween, get some friends together and bake some traditional goodies for the holiday. If you live at an apartment complex you won’t have to bake in a communal kitchen and risk some of your sweets being swiped by passersby. Though, you might make enough treats that you decide to share some with neighboring apartments.
Haunted Houses
Being an adult and celebrating the holidays is an odd experience… but trust me, unless you are taking a younger sibling, niece, nephew, etc. you are too old to go trick or treating. So, what is there to do instead? You might not get a bunch of free candy, but look into the trick side of Halloween and find something scary to do. Haunted houses are the perfect college-aged Halloween activity and you can usually find them in every college town.
Carve Pumpkins
Nothing screams Halloween like pumpkins. Carving pumpkins is a fun activity to do on a date or to do with your roommates. Most stores will have pumpkins available to buy, or you might consider finding a pumpkin patch where you can pick one. Decorating pumpkins is a fun way to get messy and creative as you either hollow out and carve your pumpkin the traditional way, or paint it. However, for the sake of your security deposit, make sure you have a newspaper underneath the pumpkin when you set it out for everyone to admire.
Roommate Costumes
Perhaps one of the most iconic Halloween traditions is dressing up. You’d be surprised how many people still wear costumes to school even though they’re in college. It’s fun to show off your costume in class, or you can go to a campus Halloween party and show it off there. Some roommates or friends often like to have a group costume to dress up as—like the Pac-man characters or the cast of a popular movie.
Halloween is a spooktacular holiday to celebrate in college, so don’t let your homework keep you from making some of the best memories of the semester!

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Taylor has been working with Best Colleges Search since she was a Freshman. Always helping to encourage people to have their best College experiences!