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Tips For Speaking Like A Pro

Public speaking is not just an academic need or a requirement for some jobs, it’s an essential skill.   It’s entwined with your ability to think on your feet and communicate effectively in any situation.Thankfully, you only need to learn a few techniques to become a...

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Why Everyone Should Volunteer

Whether you volunteered or were vol untold, odds are that you did a significant amount of service work in high school   Working a dozen different events and lending a hand at whatever charitable effort best fit your weekend schedule may have been a great way of...

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Questions to Ask Your Interviewer

Soon, college seniors will begin the job hunt, and other students will start searching for summer work. It’s a great time to review common job interview questions and how to answer them. But what do you do when the interviewer asks if you have any questions?   Experts...

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Next Level Ways of Managing Your To-Do List

Everyone has their own way of managing tasks on that dreaded to-do list   Some keep a mental register, others use apps, many scrawl on their planners, and some even jot it on their arm with a Sharpie, a la Andy from “Parks & Rec.”   For productivity’s sake...

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Handwritten vs Typed Notes

Laptop computers make note-taking convenient and efficient, but can they also be a hindrance to students?   A recent study found that students who took notes with paper and pen outperformed their classmates who used laptop computers to take notes on the same material,...

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Things You Should Stop Doing in Essays

Students still transitioning from high school writing habits have a tendency to write papers that all sound the same—and use many of the same tropes and generalizations. I spend most of that first semester trying to un-teach many of the things you probably all had...

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Winter Break Ideas

One of the best parts about being a full-time college student Is probably the awesome extended breaks we get over the winter and in the summer. There are some downsides to those long breaks, though—boredom, feeling unproductive, or ending up strapped for cash right...

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How To Cure A Hangover

Have you been partying the night away at college?   Hopefully, these tips will help you to get rid of your hangover, so next time you are clubbing in you don’t have to worry about the day after.     Rehydrate – Rehydrating is the first step when it comes to a hangover...

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5 Ways to Celebrate Halloween in College

Halloween in college is a blast! It’s the first holiday of the semester and everyone stays on campus—unlike Thanksgiving where half of the college population disappears for a weekend. Halloween is an excuse to eat a bunch of candy, bake the best goodies, and not do...

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